Thursday, April 22, 2010

Charmin Ultra Strong

Charmin ultra strong commercial is a perfect example of the ranks model of persuasion becuase it uses one of the four strategies of persuading their customers to choose the better product. The way they try to make it seem like their product is the better choice is by downplaying the other product and ponting out their bad qualities and intensifying their good qualities. They compare their opponents product to their product and try to prove to their audience that they are the better choice.

Target Commercial

Target commercials uses the ethos part of persuasion. They appeal to their targeted audience, women, in which they are trying to say how women are the main shoppers in most families adn are the ones to look for the place that has the lowest price for everything such as clothing, school supplies, etc. Target has credibility because many people shop their and have high quality brands for the cheapest price. They appeal trustworthy adn have the customers to prove it.

Girlfriend questions - funny Miller Light ad

Miller light commercials appeal to the pathos side of persuasion because of the emotion the put into their commercials. Most of their commcercials have a couple in it which appeals to relationships adn the emotiond that run behind them. The girlfriend asks her boyfriend who he would choose to live out of her and his dog, his mom, and then asks who he would save out of er and his miller light. His first response is to ask her how high the bridge which is appealing to a mans satifaction with the beer Miller light and picking the beer over his girlfriend. This aslo appeals to his girlfriend feeling like he cares about the advertisements abvious choice, the beer.

Snickers Commercial: Disappearance

Snickers is an obvious advertisement for pathos because it talks about satifying your hunger. Every commercial or ad has someone talking about how hungry they are and how there are not themselves because they are so hungry and in order to satify that hunger their friend suggest to eat a snickers bar. The image of seeing someone actually eat the snickers bar gives you the feeling of wanting to eat one as well even though you werent even thinking about eating something. The image gives you the craving and the feeling of being hungry even if your not, its a mind game. Seeing someone eat it and seeing their reaction to it makes anyone want to have one.

Ebay Commercial

eBay is another perfect contemporary example of the use of ethos, one of the most profitable electronic commerce sites on the internet. On-line reports from the individuals involved in past transactions form the basis of buyers and sellers reputations. Users of the site earn such reputations without even seeing others or having verbal interaction. Trust and credibility are salient issues today in teh wake of prominent scandals from Wall Street to the White House.

Valary Sanders' Wal-Mart Commercial =D

Walmart is a company that everyone knows they can go to to save a byunch of money. They have crediabilty to back them up because everything they sell is at a really low price and still worthy of purchasing. There products are just as good as any other name brand product just without the high price tag on it. This process of advertising is called Ethos, which is depended on the sources credibility which walmart has with the customers.

Infect truth's commercial, Baby Invasion

This truth commercial is a good example of using logos, which appeals to the intellect, or to the rational side of humans. Logos relies on the audience's ability to process eveidence in logical ways and to arrive at some conclusion. Truth commercials have to use logic in order to get there point accross to the audience, which is that smoking is very addictive and kills a lot more people then you think and show very little warning on their packages. They use a bunch of babies that are wearing shirts that have information about smkoing that poeple may not be aware of adn each baby has a differnt fact on it.